5: Financial Resources

Estimated cash (£) coming into the business during the 1st year

Cash sales excluding VAT                       284,778                      
VAT invoiced                                             60,408
Directors loans                                          10,000
Share capital investment                         10,000
Bank loan                                                  30,000

Total:                                                     £395,186

Running costs (£) of the business during the 1st year

Premises (rent, rates)                                      12,000
Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)                  6,904
Telephone                                                          1,726
Insurance                                                            3,452
Postage and carriage                                             227
Interest and bank charges payable                    1,800
Marketing / Advertising                                   10,000
Wages, or salary                                               66,966
Equipment hire                                                  3,600
Motor bike expenses                                             600
Accountancy fees                                              1,000
Legal/professional fees                                        200
Depreciation                                                      1,726
Food purchases                                                 82,845
Drawings                                                            46,881

SubTotal - Operational expenses:                  £239,926

The food purchases were mainly supplied by Wing Yip - who allowed C.H.D.S a 60 days credit facility: http://www.wingyip.com/page-494.html

The stated drawings are money taken out of the business to fund the expansion of additional home delivery units.

The wage bill is allocated to mainly 8 full-time working during the 1st year - some staff being multi-function to accommodate the roles outlined in the hierarchical structure stated in business plan i.e. Step 3: Human Resources.

Running costs (£)                                                 continuation:

Bad-debt provision                                                              600
Plant and other capital expenditure                                7,750
Loan and financing repayments                                      15,000
Repayment of directors loans                                         15,000
VAT payment due to Customs and Excise                       34,519

Total outgoings:                                                           £312,795

The pricing policy of the company - to generate sales - is primarily based upon the average cost of competition pricing (Pizza) to average cost of chinese and demand-oriented pricing. However, cost-plus pricing is employed to establish base profit level i.e. Gross profit (61%) = Sales Revenue - Cost of sales (39%).

Promotional Pricing: may be used to encourage database customers to repeat business.

Penetration pricing: Will be used to undercut local Chinese competitors in particular produce ranges i.e. bulk-buying of pawns will allows us to undercut competition in this product range.
Skimming: will be used at Xmas period for "Chinese Hamper Product" and on 14th February for Valentine's Package of Flowers, Meal and Champagne.

The company's record keeping will be used to generate the following financial spread-sheets and charts.

Click link: Estimated profit and loss account (Fig. 5.2)
Click link: Estimated cash-flow analysis (Fig. 5.3)