1: Type of Business

The C.H.D.S (Chinese Home Delivery Service) will be a limited liability business type company and will specialise in the home deliveries of Chinese Food.

The principal aim of C.H.D.S will be to provide - North London - with high quality Chinese cuisine, at an affordable price and in the most expeditious way. The following objectives will facilitate the accomplishment of the stated aim:

Superior customer service: The company will be owned and initially managed by professionals (graduate engineers) who will be able to furnish the clientele with a superior service, through the judicious investment in technology and effective operation systems.

Turnover: The company will generates an estimated 95% of its revenue from its home delivery segment and have an overall turnover for the 1st Unit of £345,000 annually.

Profit: The company will generate an estimated average Gross Profit level of 60% a year and Net Profit of 30%

Market share: The company will achieve market share (Turnover and Profit) through an initial aggressive localised leaflet, poster and marketing pomotion campaign. Subsequently, a bespoked customer order database will be used to consolidate market share.

C.H.D.S's unique selling point (USP) is based on the fact that during the late part of the 1980's - when this business is being established - only Pizza company's provided home delivery of fast food products. Consequently, the USP - competitive edge the business will have - is based on lack of competition in the home delivery (Chinese Food) market.

The potential demand for the new business will be ascertained through primary market research via surveys and testing specific target areas. This research being complimented through secondary research based on: price, product and service profiles of the competition, such as, Domino's Pizza.

The graduate engineers starting-up this venture will balanced their personal and business needs by supporting each other and initially mentoring their respective self-esteem development.

The business trends affecting the start-up will be monitored using government economic statistics and the following estimated sales trend chart - average sales £6,000 per week.

Business planning will help ensure the ventures success by following the seven-stage-approach outlined in the adjacent top-right-hand column of this blog.