1: Type of Business

The C.H.D.S (Chinese Home Delivery Service) will be a limited liability business type company and will specialise in the home deliveries of Chinese Food.

The principal aim of C.H.D.S will be to provide - North London - with high quality Chinese cuisine, at an affordable price and in the most expeditious way. The following objectives will facilitate the accomplishment of the stated aim:

Superior customer service: The company will be owned and initially managed by professionals (graduate engineers) who will be able to furnish the clientele with a superior service, through the judicious investment in technology and effective operation systems.

Turnover: The company will generates an estimated 95% of its revenue from its home delivery segment and have an overall turnover for the 1st Unit of £345,000 annually.

Profit: The company will generate an estimated average Gross Profit level of 60% a year and Net Profit of 30%

Market share: The company will achieve market share (Turnover and Profit) through an initial aggressive localised leaflet, poster and marketing pomotion campaign. Subsequently, a bespoked customer order database will be used to consolidate market share.

C.H.D.S's unique selling point (USP) is based on the fact that during the late part of the 1980's - when this business is being established - only Pizza company's provided home delivery of fast food products. Consequently, the USP - competitive edge the business will have - is based on lack of competition in the home delivery (Chinese Food) market.

The potential demand for the new business will be ascertained through primary market research via surveys and testing specific target areas. This research being complimented through secondary research based on: price, product and service profiles of the competition, such as, Domino's Pizza.

The graduate engineers starting-up this venture will balanced their personal and business needs by supporting each other and initially mentoring their respective self-esteem development.

The business trends affecting the start-up will be monitored using government economic statistics and the following estimated sales trend chart - average sales £6,000 per week.

Business planning will help ensure the ventures success by following the seven-stage-approach outlined in the adjacent top-right-hand column of this blog.

2: Target market

Methods used to identify the business’s target market:

The initial sales to open the business will be created by quarterly leaflet/ (‘green’ agenda) Menu drop (budgets of £2500) - generating approxiately 830 customer each time (drop) - in a radius of 1 km area surounding the the Business Unit in London N1; furthermore, a local advertising campaigns - using local media, such as, Tomson local would provide additional customers .

Notwithstanding, the following bespoke database will be used as a the company's main Market-Research-Tool to analysis the customer profiles and subsequently contact database-customer's to stimulate repeat business.

The 1st year's Sales forecast extrapolated from the results of initial marketing initivities are outline below:

The Customer Behaviour Analysis of the venture is based on the stucture / profile of the database below: 

Moreover, these profiles are linked to a map showing a selection of C.H.D.S's ACORN classification categories, groups and types.

Click hyperlink for full C.H.D.S Acorn behaviour profiles:  C.H.D.S's classification categories, groups and types. 

Some of the revenue stream Weaknesses of the ventures Target Market have been already stated in Market Trends graph illustrated below:

However, the Strengths of the business venture is that the economic outlook for the Target Market is in growth and the area is ripe - when established during 1990 - for new fast-food products to enter the Home Delivery Market - such as, Chinese Food; and the graduate team setting-up the business have the professional approach to fully exploit the database technology supporting the development of market share - as outlined and consolidated below:

The above grid-map - based on the map below - will be used by the delivery bikers to determine where customers are in relation to the Home Delivery Unit (Grid Q:5) and as a Market Analysis Tool to ascertain how many customer with have in a particular grid reference i.e. each new customer has their particular grid reference enter onto their initial database entry and the database can sort its records according to the parameters outlined in the stated database profile structure.

The above map will be an essential component for Competitor Analysis i.e. to discover where the competitions are and discern whether their operation is a long-term threat to the survival of C.H.D.S Ltd.

The main competition are the major Pizze companies. However, in some ways they are complimentary to the business, in that, they have established the Home Delivery Market - 1980's-1990's - and their customers have now more choice with a Chinese Meal. The main factor to watch is to keep our Unit Meal Price & delivery time in line with them.

The next and more ubiquitous competition comes from the local family run Chinese Takeaways. This competition will be better on price, but will not be able to mount the Home Delivery Service to the degree of professionalism employed by C.H.D.S Ltd. C.H.D.S will continually erode this competition, by capturing their customer on C.H.D.S's database on cold, wet, dark-evenings.

Marketing contigency will be met by utlising the Post-Office mail-short service i.e. if the internal marketing campaign does not reach its targets C.H.D.S will enlist this service to boost sales.

3: Human Resources

Part 1: Skills required to run the business.

  1. Identify the specific skills required to operate the business successfully.

Part 2: Personal skills contribution.
  1. Conduct a personal skills audit.
  2. Describe, in which areas will your skills make a positive contribution to running of the business.
Part 3: Skills gap and devlopment needs.
  1. Identify the gap between the skills you have to contribute and the skills needed to run the business successfully.
  2. Outline the short-term and long-term develop needs - Human Resources requirements - of the business. 
  3. Produce an action plan to action these develop requirements.

4: Legal & Physical Resources

Legal aspects:

Legal status and liability: Limited liability

Trading standards: http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/

Trading terms and conditions:


National / local laws: Insurance for: Permises, Mopeds, Health and safety.

Contracts duties and responsibilities: Contracts of employment, Paying employees, VAT, Hours of work, Discrimination, Health and Safety / By-laws

Regulations: Data protection, Fire Regulations, COSHH, etc

Sources of advice: DTI, Local Enterprise Agencies, Websites

Pyhsical aspects:

Cost of premises of the 80 square meter site is £12,000 per year.

Location gives plenty of scope for potential city of london customers

Not much room for expansion.

All necessary amenities have been added - 6 bikes are housed - after closing hourse - in front-of-shop

5: Financial Resources

Estimated cash (£) coming into the business during the 1st year

Cash sales excluding VAT                       284,778                      
VAT invoiced                                             60,408
Directors loans                                          10,000
Share capital investment                         10,000
Bank loan                                                  30,000

Total:                                                     £395,186

Running costs (£) of the business during the 1st year

Premises (rent, rates)                                      12,000
Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)                  6,904
Telephone                                                          1,726
Insurance                                                            3,452
Postage and carriage                                             227
Interest and bank charges payable                    1,800
Marketing / Advertising                                   10,000
Wages, or salary                                               66,966
Equipment hire                                                  3,600
Motor bike expenses                                             600
Accountancy fees                                              1,000
Legal/professional fees                                        200
Depreciation                                                      1,726
Food purchases                                                 82,845
Drawings                                                            46,881

SubTotal - Operational expenses:                  £239,926

The food purchases were mainly supplied by Wing Yip - who allowed C.H.D.S a 60 days credit facility: http://www.wingyip.com/page-494.html

The stated drawings are money taken out of the business to fund the expansion of additional home delivery units.

The wage bill is allocated to mainly 8 full-time working during the 1st year - some staff being multi-function to accommodate the roles outlined in the hierarchical structure stated in business plan i.e. Step 3: Human Resources.

Running costs (£)                                                 continuation:

Bad-debt provision                                                              600
Plant and other capital expenditure                                7,750
Loan and financing repayments                                      15,000
Repayment of directors loans                                         15,000
VAT payment due to Customs and Excise                       34,519

Total outgoings:                                                           £312,795

The pricing policy of the company - to generate sales - is primarily based upon the average cost of competition pricing (Pizza) to average cost of chinese and demand-oriented pricing. However, cost-plus pricing is employed to establish base profit level i.e. Gross profit (61%) = Sales Revenue - Cost of sales (39%).

Promotional Pricing: may be used to encourage database customers to repeat business.

Penetration pricing: Will be used to undercut local Chinese competitors in particular produce ranges i.e. bulk-buying of pawns will allows us to undercut competition in this product range.
Skimming: will be used at Xmas period for "Chinese Hamper Product" and on 14th February for Valentine's Package of Flowers, Meal and Champagne.

The company's record keeping will be used to generate the following financial spread-sheets and charts.

Click link: Estimated profit and loss account (Fig. 5.2)
Click link: Estimated cash-flow analysis (Fig. 5.3)

6: Growth & Development

Growth & development aims & objects - next five years.

The principal growth aim of C.H.D.S - in the next five years - will be to provide the North London area with at least 5 more home delivery units, which would provide high quality Chinese cuisine,  at an affordable price and in the most expeditious way - with one unit having food-processing facilities & large freezer storage capacity for bulk-buying. The methodology to facilitate this accomplishment would be to emulate (copy) the business model (objectives) outlined in this single unit business plan.

A strategy of continuous growth minimizes the amount of Capital gains and VAT the company will have to give the tax-man, because exploiting expenditure reduces Net Profit and therefore Capital Gains; and maximizing expenditure enables the company to claim back VAT against outlays / outgoings.

Financial support for growth and development.

The financial support for the stated growth and development would essential come from 20% of the sale revenue per unit:
1st year    = £46,881
2nd year   = £46,881 + £69,037 i.e. 20% £345,186 = £115,918
3rd year   = £115,918 + £69,037 = £184,955
4th year   = £184,955 + £69,037 = £253,992
Total investment:             over 4 year period = £253,992
See company's record keeping used to generate the following financial spread-sheets and charts

(Fig. 5.1) Business ventures break-even-analysis

(Fig. 5.2) Estimated profit and loss account

(Fig. 5.3) Estimated cash-flow analysis

The investment will be spent in the followings areas:

(1): Marketing: Building-up at least 5 regional databases

(2): Delivery bikes: 6 x mopeds per unit

(3): Equipment: Appropriate kitchen & IT equipment

Economies of scale in the follow areas:

Purchasing: £82,845 x 5 = £414,225 i.e. the increased purcasing power will enable the company to buy-in bulk and drive-down cost with our main supplier

Marketing: As each unit establishes it target database number of customer i.e. 30,000 per region - marketing costs could be reduced to maintaining sales through contact customers for repeat business via database records & periodic boosts through Post-office mail-shots.

Human Resources
The first-line of the organisation chart illustrates the strategic element of the company. This layer of senior-manager being pay for on an indirect cost basis i.e. wage costs being spreads over all units.

The second-line of the organisation chart demonstrates the middle-management roles/function who are charged with the daily operations of each unit. These staff member are full-time personnel and have been employed on a multi-tasked basis.

The middle-management roles/function are the core of the business and these members of staff will be paid competitively and encouraged to engage in long-term staff development, such as, study for Management qualifications at local colleges / universities on a one-day-a-week basis over a two-to-three year period. This initiative will be introduced to engender stablity and intellectual capital growth within the organisation.

The third-line of the organisation chart illustrates the part-time members of staff who employment fluctuates with the level of business activity - see business trend chart below:-

7: Financial contingency

The C.H.D.S (Chinese Home Delivery Service)'s Financial Contingency plan falls into two categories: (1) Raising more finance through Internal Sources of Finance and External Sources of Finance and (2) Cutting-back on estimated expediture.

(1): Potential additional revenues during the 1st year.

Internal Sources of finance:

Own savings: Raise additional £10,000 from Directors Gifts from friends and relative: Raise £5,000 given debenture stock or share options as security. 

External Sources of finance: 

Grants and sponsorship: The Prince's Trust will assist young people (18-30) who are/have starting-up business ventures, and are on their Enterprises programme, with support, such as:
  • Initial start-up capital,
  • 24 Hour Legal Helpline,
  • Free access to an easy-to-use online accounting system,
  • A free office-on-your-phone service suitable for running and growing a small business,
  • Free and professional web design package,
  • Reconditioned PCs and computing software,
  • A range of discounted rental options including fully serviced and equipped offices plus meeting room facilities, 
  • Preferential rates on indoor and outdoor market stalls in various locations across the UK and/or
  • Online software and business services to start and run a small business or home office.
Loans and Borrowing: Bank loans, Overdrafts, Mortgages, Leasing and Venture Capital

(2): Cutting-back on 1st year estimated expediture.  

The Break-Even-Point of the business proposal is estimated @ 382 deliveries (£11.40 per order), which is equivalent to a weekly sale revenue £4,355. However, to finance the estimated profit and loss account and estimated cash-flow analysis the business venture will need to generate approximately weekly target for sales of at leasr 614 orders, which is equivalent to a weekly sale revenue £7,000.

Notwithstanding, if the business does not perform as expected the following financial contingency scenarios will be apply:

Scenario 1: Sales Revenue @ 90% of target

To maintain cash-flow and to supply the share-holders with a dividend; the following variable-costs have all be reduced - by 10% - to accommodate the reduction in sale volume: Power (light, heat, electricity, gas), Telephone, Insurance, Postage and carriage, Wages, or salary, Food purchases and Drawings.

Scenario 2: Sales Revenue @ 80% of target

To maintain cash-flow and to supply the share-holders with a dividend; the following variable-costs have all be reduced - by 20% - to accommodate the reduction in sale volume: Power (light, heat, electricity, gas), Telephone, Insurance, Postage and carriage, Wages, or salary, Food purchases and Drawings.

In addition, repayment of Director's loans were reduced from £15,000 to £5,000.

Scenario 3: Sales Revenue @ 60% of target

To maintain cash-flow and to supply the share-holders with a dividend; the following variable-costs have all be reduced - by 40% - to accommodate the reduction in sale volume: Power (light, heat, electricity, gas), Telephone, Insurance, Postage and carriage, Wages, or salary, Food purchases and Drawings.

In addition, repayment of Director's loans not paid-back this year and Drawings were reduced from 20% to 10%  of Total Cash Receipts.